How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 5

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 5

Gideon Welles, Lincoln’s Secretary of the Navy, gave orders that two warships, the USS Powhatan and USS Pawnee, along with the steamer USS Pocahontas and USS Revenue Cutter Harriet Lane, were to provision Fort Sumter. Another steamer, the Baltic, carried about 200...
How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 3

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 3

The merchant schooner Rhoda H. Shannon, which departed Boston on March 26 with a shipment of ice bound for Savannah, took a precipitous wrong turn the afternoon of April 3, a mistake its captain accredited to faulty navigational equipment. To make matters even worse,...
How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 2

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 2

As you’ll recall from yesterday’s post, even as Confederate Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard shored up Charleston’s defenses and President Lincoln considered ways to entice the South to fire on Fort Sumter, the U.S. Congress passed the Morrill Tariff Act, a key policy in the...
How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 1

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 1

Confederate Brigadier Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard messaged President Jefferson Davis and S.C. Gov. Francis Pickens, saying the military batteries surrounding Fort Sumter would be capable and ready to reduce Fort Sumter to rubble within four days. Everyone...