How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 2

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 2

As you’ll recall from yesterday’s post, even as Confederate Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard shored up Charleston’s defenses and President Lincoln considered ways to entice the South to fire on Fort Sumter, the U.S. Congress passed the Morrill Tariff Act, a key policy in the...
How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 1

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – April 1

Confederate Brigadier Gen. Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard messaged President Jefferson Davis and S.C. Gov. Francis Pickens, saying the military batteries surrounding Fort Sumter would be capable and ready to reduce Fort Sumter to rubble within four days. Everyone...
How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – March 31

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – March 31

As described in yesterday’s post, America was at a momentous crossroads as March moved into April, and none of the options looked good. About the only thing the leadership of both sides could agree on was that nobody wanted to initiate the American Civil War. In his...
How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – March 30

How the Civil War Began, an April 1861 Timeline – March 30

Tensions were about as taunt as they could be in Charleston during the spring of 1861. For decades, since before the Nullification Crisis of 1820, South Carolina had nursed grievances against the U.S. government regarding the spread of slavery to new territories and...
Charles Pinckney’s Scandal

Charles Pinckney’s Scandal

Remembered as one of America’s Founding Fathers, Charles Pinckney (1757-1824) served as a delegate to the Third Continental Congress in 1777-1778 at the tender age of 20. He fought with the Patriots at the Siege of Savannah and was captured when Charleston fell to the...
Clara Barton: The Lowcountry Shaped Her Ideals

Clara Barton: The Lowcountry Shaped Her Ideals

When people hear the name Clara Barton, the first thing that usually comes to mind is her role as founder of the American Red Cross. She began her humanitarian career as a military nurse during the Civil War but later expanded the Red Cross’s core mission by...